Dr. Alisha Erickson
Assistant Principal
Mrs. Janet Carroll
A Message from Dr. Erickson
Hello and welcome to Poplar Grove Elementary School! I am honored to lead a school known for its dedication to excellence, to children, and to the community. Our focus is on student growth and academic achievement, as we strive to build students of character.
At Poplar Grove Elementary, we have a village mindset because we know it takes all of us working together to ensure the most productive learning experience for students. We have a talented and dedicated staff who work relentlessly to provide rigorous instruction to students on a daily basis. We also recognize the importance of a strong partnership between school and home, encouraging open communication and collaboration between teachers, parents, and students. Families have many opportunities to share in our school experience through family events, student presentations, and one of our favorite traditions, PRIDE Time, where we showcase our students and celebrate their success as students and as contributing members of a kind and compassionate school community. Together, we create a positive and successful learning experience for your child.
I invite you to explore our website and social media accounts to discover the wealth of resources and opportunities available at Poplar Grove Elementary. I would consider it a privilege to assist you in your child’s educational journey and can be reached by phone at (615) 790.4720 or by email at ericksonali@fssd.org. I welcome you to reach out should you have questions or need assistance.
Together in education,
Alisha Erickson, Ed.D.